Tag Archives: lemons

Pink Lemonade

31 Jul

It’s so hot these days that I can’t even think about turning on the oven. So, instead, something to cool us down: easy to make pink lemonade made of raspberries and lemons.


– 1 cup of freshly squeezed lemons (about 5 medium lemons)

– 1 cup of raspberries (I used frozen)

– 1 cup of sugar

– 1 cup of water

For serving: cold water, ice cubes and a few mint leaves


– Prepare the sugar water: you can always add more sugar if you like it sweeter, take a ratio of about 1:1 of sugar to water. In a small saucepan heat the sugar with water until dissolved.

– Crush the raspberries and sift them through a strainer to use only their juice.

– Mix the raspberries juice, the sugar water and the squeezed lemons all together in a jar.

– Keep the jar with the concentrated pink lemonade in the refrigerator and when thirsty add a bit of the concentrate to a glass of water with ice and fresh mint.